Submitted by Antigonian on
In reading other articles recently about school referendums and funding issues, it seems to me that the Antigo School Board could keep our rural schools open, IF they wanted to. They could probably even do it without going to a referendum.
Other schools in the state of Wisconsin have received funding through "green projects" that allow the Districts to gain funding without asking taxpayers. Some of the districts that have received this type of funding, have been able to use the money for improvements to older buildings, like roofing and new boilers.
I don't necessarily agree with the idea of the Antigo Board receiving funds without taxpayer approval, but, to me, it just goes to show that they are not looking at what the PEOPLE want, otherwise they could obviously find ways to keep our rural schools open.
Related Post: Rhinelander vs. Antigo School Referendums
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Anonymous replied on
I think I saw something about a school around the Appleton or Neenah area that received funds from that.
Lori replied on
Looks like the school board is backpedaling on this, maybe they are finally getting the point!
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