Three People Charged After Drug Raid In Lincoln County

The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office believes a house southeast of Merrill was being used as a drug trafficking home. Now, three people face drug charges after a police raid Thursday.

The raid happened at W5096 River View Rd., where police found marijuana, drug paraphernalia, and an AK-47-style assault rifle. The rifle also had a fully loaded extended magazine, according to a Lincoln County Sheriff's Office release.

Eric Welch, 26, Alyssa Olund, 21, and Jacob Cooper, 21, all from Merrill, appeared in Lincoln County court on Friday to face charges.

Read more: WACD


If only the story was about meth. heroin, salts, pills, etc. You would get the communities undying support. But alas it's just another Cannabis story. The cops look like the a$$holes for wasting time and resources on a plant that harms nobody just to make headlines. Stop going for easy federal grant dollars and do some work cowards!

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