No update on warrant list for Langlade County?

I have visited this site and the Antigo city pages to see the list of active warrants and it is never updated?

I think it's great that the Antigo Police Dept. is on facebook, although I am not sure why they seem to have 2 different pages, and they do post some good info on there. I just don't get why they never update the warrants?

The list on there now is from September 2, 2013. I would certainly think that there has been many additions and subtractions since that time.

I have also noticed that on one of the facebook pages they do link to the "City of Antigo" site and it is mentioned that the warrant list is there. It is also mentioned whenever they put in a "warrant of the week" in the newspaper. But why even mention it if it isn't being updated?


I hope we aren't paying someone to sit on facebook and put up the posts that belong in the newspaper either. I dont see why there is 2 pages on there seems like waste of time

Hmm, maybe you got their attention - I see there is an updated list now

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