Sooner or later, almost everyone has a “Mid-Life Crisis.”
Antigo Community Theater and The Edison Club will poke some fun at the topic next week with the musical comedy, “Mid-Life! The Crisis Musical” opening Thursday and continuing through the weekend.
Full Story: Antigo Daily Journal
Emperors Clothes replied on
In places with larger populations , people with average and above talent are able to fill the roles at the community level theater. It is interesting, that here, in Antigo, it is something completely different. Revenge of the repulsive. In a bigger town where they have schools of the arts , gifted and talented classes, those with extraordinary skills are getting the roles. Here, the idea is to keep anybody who would break the continuity,(expose the lie) off the stage.The kids productions are at least touching to watch. These narcissists are plain pathetic. The unfit, obese with not even average ability dominate. Theatre of obedient serfs. Teachers, teaching others to eat the same food that has turned them into such pathetic beggers for attention. Dinner? Eat food that dulls possibility of critical thinking. The company is dominated by those crippled handicapped at all levels by food choices and peasant dark ages religion insult to science. The lower IQs , combined with the sociopath tendancies assures that they will lie and claim it's for the community, all the while not realizing that their selfish motives are so apparent. We can understand why they feel so inadequate they must seek this pathetic attention. The poster has color so at least they are not tasteless oderless and colorless llke CO. Sorry, I want my kids to learn good habits from adequate teachers.People that lacking in talent, should be a red flag around our kids. If they have absolutely no talent, why do they insist on dominating shows that often include our children? The low intelligence, the sociopathic tendancies, these people are more of a threat to our kids than Jacob Ball.How many have been actually accused of "interest "in children? How many have died from auto accidents and CO? Tasteless and odorless, but, not colorless. Instead of teachers who are role models of what to eat for dinner, we've got this crew, who teach us to publicly profess complacency at their premature obesity unfittness and ignorance. Have some more alcohol meat and dairy, best and brightest of Antigo. Demonize sacred cannabis .Keep that drug available. A big pot of coffee before the show.How bout something that celebrates healthy diet and fitness? Dinner theatre of obedient serfs.Corporate whore agenda.Television, papers like The Antigo Daily Journal, and teachers like these? Time for these dinosaurs to go extinct! Whats for dinner?
Rustic Peasant Pride replied on
@ Emperors Clothes: Just wait till summer! Blood's Folly, that caveman with the performing arts scholarship , you know, Antigo's best and brightest (wink)? Well, he'll be comin' home from school to put on yet another high school musical with no acting or dancing featuring a repulsive protaganist. How many like that can there be? What's left for him? Hunchback of Notre Dame? Problem is, anybody off the street would have more talent , so they need to cast only those who won't upstage the star, "Blood's Folly," who will also assistant direct.Politics of obedient serf theatre company.Watch the closet pedophiles who can't stay away from kids flock to the never never land of perpetual high school musical.They are confident we are fooled by their sanctimonious narcissist " acting".
Anonymous replied on
so a pedophile is anyone who "you" say should be labeled as one not the court system
PhD Acting replied on
@ Anonymous :"so a pedophile is anyone who "you" say should be labeled as one not the court system" Did you post in the wrong thread? What does this refer to? Nobody here mentioned "labels "or ''the court system." The court deals with crimes. It is not a crime to be a closet pedophile like many many parents teachers cops priests. Clinically, acting on your sexual feelings for children is not a prerequisite for diagnosis.If you are thinking of this site as a "seeing place", the etymology of theatre, you are interjecting a narcissist manipulator comment.Hope you're ''acting". Your comment would do a sociopath lawyer proud.
MENSA replied on
@ Anonymous. A free acting lesson: Don't stress pronouns. Your bullying technique is clever, but, who mentioned labeling anyone? Only you.@ Emperors Clothes: The whole point is that community theatre is not actors, not artists, just plain everyday folks who's friends come to see them.In Hinduism, one first accepts that living, life, will be suffering. Accept that and go from there. @ PhD Acting: accepting what theatre professionals know, should be your basic tenet . Community theatre is a narcissist magnet. Period. The more christian professing, the more sanctimonious they are... the more they are thinking their true goals are not discernable.
Bad Cop Laundry... replied on
Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone. All in all you're just another brick in the wall. Dinner theatre of obedient serfs.
Inadequate replied on Safe to assume that most of these teacher's death certificates may read: Inadequate fruits and vegetables. Too bad their student's death certificates may also read: Inadequate fruits and vegetables.
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