Men's a cappella group a big hit

Fifth Element, the acclaimed men’s a cappella group from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, got a rock star reception at Antigo High School’s Volm Theater Monday. The six-member group, which includes Antigo High School graduate Seth K. Hale, delighted a largely young crowd with some very untraditional arrangements of classic and modern songs... Full Story: Antigo Daily Journal


Trying to convince us that this recycled African American inspired entertainment from the 1980s has anything to do with Bach is an insult. This bad taste low brow egomaniac entertainment is 30 years behind. Camp at best. I could understand if they were sixth graders but these are college kids. Is Seth's mom still writing the critiques?

@ tasteless: Stating the obvious could be considered a form of abuse. These kids, while far from being talented or original ,are getting valuable self esteem and power boosts. They are not out drinking or using bath salts or vandalizing. They are going to college and staying fit. Their moms , naturally , are gonna hyperbolize in the newspaper articles they write about their kids. Let them feel powerful for a while. They can't ALL be narcissists, can they ? Singing and music are wonderful valuable activities. Begging for attention and power are normal for kids with self esteem issues. Often it is those with less than average abilities that are so driven to such easily seen through narcissistic behavior to compensate.

They look like those cavemen from the Geico commercial. So easy, even the Hale twins can do it.

The grammar is as lacking as the cavemen singers. Fifth Element performs , is incorrect. It should be : The Fifth Element perform ,not, performs. From the ADJ: "Fifth Element, featuring Seth K. Hale of Antigo at lower left, performs “Pretty Woman” to Calista Berger during Monday’s night concert at the Volm Theater." That egomaniac middle initial ,is about as pretentious obnoxious as it gets. Also, titles are italicized or underlined , not put in quotation marks. Better stick to caveman fishing tackle brochures! Vulgar is a good word here.

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