Honorable ?? Judge Kawalski,, Crooked ?? DA

If you have someone that the Judge and DA sentence to prison while they LET OFF other criminals that squeal for them or come from a family with money,, Listen to this. * In Court they will Blatantly LIE to everyone in Court about how the person they are sending to prison will get all this help medical/prescription help and counseling help along with job training.... Well they LIE,, just to make themselves look so great... Well they do not look great to many people,, they actually look and smell like CRAP. We all know,, if you do a crime and get sentenced,, it is nobody's fault but your own. But everyone that comes through their court should be treated the same,,but in Langlade county it does not work that way. And whatever the Judge and DA say about all this great treatment and help is a LIE. These people " Men and Women" are thrown in a place to serve their time WITHOUT medical treatment for their issues, no job training, counseling and ect. and then are thrown back out in to the street with normally no place to go and no future. So for the Judge and DA to boast about all this help that the criminal will receive is a LIE and big load of CRAP. And money, snitching and favoritism plays a BIG part in the Langlade county CLOWN HOUSE


I am not surprised by this. I think it may be a common tactic that the courts use to make it sound better.
It is sad that they are lying to the people like that though. Maybe someone needs to educate them on what REALLY happens when someone gets sent to prison

So true. They convict people without ANY evidence, just what their UNRELIABLE "sources" (other criminals saying whatever they have to, to get less jail time) tell them. Because they never lie, right? I know someone being charged bulls--t. Other people had dope there and they're charging him with having a drug trafficking house when he had nothing.. the other people even admitted it was their stuff!

Do they even know, really? Or do they speculate or just repeat what someone else told them?
Someone needs to call them out if what you are saying here is true.

I totally agree with this.

What was said in court? What kind of help is this person supposed to get?

Don't they have to signup for the programs once they are in prison?
Maybe they have the choice and are not forced into it

I see nothing wrong with this. You do the crime, you do the time. Who are the people paying for all these so called programs???? We taxpayers are. Does anyone ever question, we just may not have any more money to fund such BS. I find nothing wrong with this. Hopefully these people self reflect on how they got there and then try and fix it.

Hopefully you are the next one to get wrongfully convicted of something!

You think people that have jobs and pay taxes aren't criminals? Wrong!

I had a brother do time for his stupidity... so he had to spend his time behind walls... did we as his family go visit? Sure did, we also took special little treats etc.. BUT... he realized once he got in..he never wanted to go back. So he did do something about his life behind bars and for a future not behind bars. So he spent 5 years in and the rest of his life out...got married and had a family, bought a house and etc... became a proud ex-con. The stories he told of the low life behind bars that thought the taxpayers OWED them... yeah right...

Someone needs to take a look at our local jail. I was out for a drink this Saturday and lone behold sitting in the tavern discussing inmates was two jailers with friends. When I hear them laughing and joking how they treat inmates I was sickened. Putting inmates in cellblocks with other inmates who they have no contact orders with just to cause a problem and get them put in hole is how it was described. Taking away priviliges just to get a rise out of them. I would think they would have learned from the Guard being attacked in Wausau and not taunt someone who is already in jail for one crime and try to provoke them to commit another crime. I would think this is considered bulling. I was told by a couple of other individuals in the tavern that after they left they have heard these kinds of conversations for years. I am not saying that inmates should be treated like kings but I was taught growing up give respect if you expect to receive it back.

Actually what you need to do is file a formal complaint with the Wisconsin Department of Justice.

You seriously should name these jailers and they should be FIRED! This is a total and complete outrage. It will keep going on until someone steps up and DOES something!

I heard that at least one female jailer was fired, and I am thinking that this is why. I hope the other one/ones have been fired also! It is such a shame when people act based on the authority they have over others.
If someone did file a complaint, GOOD and thank you! And if the jailer/s got fired from what is written here, GOOD and thank you to whomever wrote it and the website for allowing it to be put out there!

Well, if you know of some way to complain about Police activity and actually accomplish something. I know there are several people out there who would love to be able to complain about improper behavior and want something done about it

I'm sorry but this is all bogus for me. My ex husband attacked me with a bat, threatened me and the kids while wielding a knife, beat our son SEVERELY with a belt. He was sent to prison.. and released for " good behavior " after serving a quarter of his sentence. He squealed on every inmate, and did it enough that they moved him to a different prison or county jail every 4 months! Then they didn't tell me he was released! Do the crime, serve the time... EVERY FRICKIN MINUTE!

To Abused former wife,, You my dear have BOGUS coming out of your donkeys butt. I guess you do not get what I am trying to explain. Our court house clowns have always been lying pieces of crap. And the system itself is useless. I bet you can remember all the promises that were made to you by people that you thought upheld the law. And low and behold your ex gets right back out. With what he did,, legally that should of been nipped in the bud asap or you should of handled it differently,,,,,by reading a guns and ammo magazine. ** And for MARIA,, You are absolutely CORRECT with what you wrote. Over five years I have listened to people in jail and parents of people who have family in langlade county jail. They play them like against each other like at a dog fight.. They must get their kicks or something out of doing it

As a former Antigo resident, this "lakelodge" person doesn't surprise me with their stupidity. They are probably just another drunk redneck pill junkie, typical of that dead end s#@thole known as Antigo. Stop drinking the water south of all those tater fields. I had seen the inside of the courthouse many times while living there from Judge Jansen, thru fill in judges, and finally Judge Kawalski. In my opinion Judge Kawalski is one of the most ethical judges in the circuit court system. For someone to argue otherwise is absurd. Awww did you break the law and get in trouble, if your not prepared to pay the consequences, DONT BREAK THE LAW DUMBA$$!!!!! Im a convicted felon and ive been to prison. Nobody is to blame for a conviction other than the person who broke the law to begin with. Kawalski and Uttke in cahoots, that's a good one.

Social worker scott jman is no better given second chances to drug users but if ur dishes are dirty he will take ur kid and u won't get them back my edvice don't open ur door for him unless ur on bathsalts he can't do anything unless ur house is messy.so remember drugs good messy house bad

Well number one Scott JMan would never do that he is just out there to protect the children. I know him real good & he is just doing his Job like all Social workers.. yes its hard to trust them but who can you trust in this town. they also only take children that need to be taken out & yes they do return them home after they see that the parents are doing what is good for the children. like getting off drugs, parenting classes, & whatever else they are court order to do by the Judge. if you ask me if you do what they want you to do & what the Judge tells you to do & you listen & do it all of course you get your children back. they have helped me out & I Thank them for that & yes I got mad at them & yes its hard to trust them but I wasn't on any drugs or drinking it was something different & I did everything they asked me to do & I got my child home. So everyone can get mad & scream at them it just takes longer to get your child back Just listen & do what they want & things will be fine. Yes Scott isn't my friend & yes I get mad at him. But look what he has to do everyday put up with crazy parents yelling & kids yelling & crying his job isn't easy at all. there is No way I would be able to do his job. I'm sure he don't like taken children out of homes but he has to do what is Best for them. So everyone needs to stop the bull & drop all this crap & live life to its fullest & be happy for what you have cause one day it can all be taken away from you. So everyone if you can do his or other ones Job better go on to school & get a job like them & see how hard it really is. Now stop bad mouthing Scott J man.

Yes the jailers put inmates in the same block with people they have issues with! Then go and put them back in the same block!!!

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