A former Rhinelander man will spend even more time in prison for an insurance fraud scheme.
John Henricks was sentenced in federal court in June of 2013.
At that time, he was ordered to pay $1.3 million in restitution and spend 10 years in federal prison. At a hearing yesterday, Federal Judge Barbara Crabb ruled that Henricks has willfully failed to make even minimal efforts to pay restitution.
She added an extra two and a half years to his prison sentence, so Henricks will now serve 12 and a half years. John Henricks used to own Custom Collision in Rhinelander.
gray.ghost replied on
The sham divorce included the ex-Mrs Heinrich's she knowingly accepted transferred assets in attempt to avoid restitution. So why is she not facing federal charges or at the very least obstruction of justice charges. Gluttony, greed and sloth alive and well here.
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