First in decade: Uttke, Rhode in race April 7 for judge

Langlade County will name a new circuit court judge when voters go to the polls on Tuesday, April 7.

District Attorney Ralph Uttke, who has served as the county’s lead prosecutor for the past 24 years, and John Rhode, a private attorney with the Sommer, Olk & Payant Law Firm, are both seeking the non-partisan post which was left open with the retirement of Judge Fred Kawalski.

With the winner not officially beginning his six-year term in office until August, the position will continue to be filled by a slate of reserve judges and court commissioners.

Full story: Antigo Daily Journal


I sure hope that Uttke does NOT get elected judge.

I think he would make a total mockery of that courtroom, even worse than it is now!

What evidence do you have to think Uttke would make a mockery of the courtroom?

His past says so. Letting out pedophiles on low bail or signature bonds while setting bail for Cannabis offenders @ 10-20k is 1 damn example!

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