Bath salts danger is topic of program

The Langlade County Sheriff’s Department is bringing its very popular drug education program to a meeting at a special time Saturday. The department’s drug investigator Dan Bauknecht said the program explains the new and tragically popular substance in this area — bath salts — it will be held in the Clover Room at the Langlade County Fairgrounds at 11 a.m. Full Story: Antigo Daily Journal


Ask him for actual documented statitstics of deaths from bath salts compared to legal drugs, or tobacco or alcohol or meat and dairy for that matter. This will tell you why he is being employed by these corrupt corporations to demonize any competition. Salts are about as devastating as those weapons of mass destruction( wink).

Why are you bringing death statistics into this. These drugs can ruin lives without killing them Bauknecht and low IQ narcissist lap dogs like him are not serving the people, but corrupt criminal organizations able to buy politicians.Prohibition is a cruel hoax on the citizens so brain damaged from diet ancohol tobacco and prescription drugs that they are blind to the truth. Keeping it illegal, like alcohol prohibition proved, only ensures a criminal element . Anybody with adequate intelligence knows from history and statistics that it is impossible to stop. Prohibition makes it immeasurably worse. But hey, lap dogs need a job too huh? This sure hides the real threats that are legally enforced by these lap cops. Bauknecht and low IQ narcissist lap dogs like him are not serving the people, but corrupt criminal organizations able to buy politicians.Prohibition is a cruel hoax on the citizens so brain damaged from diet alcohol tobacco and prescription drugs that they are blind to the truth. Keeping it illegal, like alcohol prohibition proved, only ensures a criminal element and horrible misery. Anybody with adequate intelligence knows from history and statistics that it is impossible to stop. Prohibition makes it immeasurably worse. But hey, lap dogs need a job too huh? This sure hides the real threats that are legally(sic) enforced by these lap dog cops. Everything Hitler did was legal. Still feel the same way about THE LAW?

Ok I most certainly do not disagree, I have a real problem with law enforcement myself. Should be anything they want enforcement maybe. But what would you suggest then. I always thought the more they tell about it in the news the more it happens. Sort of like all the school shooting. Keep putting it in the news and it keeps getting worse

I think that Officer Bauknecht is doing the town of Antigo a great deal of help by doing this. Can you imagine the parents of addicts; how they must feel or the panic they are going through? He is trying to help out our town. And for you people who are commenting and asking why he is showing statistics on death? Really? Why would that NOT be a good idea? Yes, it ruins lives without death but that's not the point. It's the worst drug on the market. Worse than cocaine and meth combined yet you people are complaining about a meeting being held to help out our town? You should all be ashamed.

no one asked why the officer was showing death statistic, they said he should

Does not take a zumba rocket scientist to figure out that if tons of this stuff is sold, it is obviously less dangerous than soda, a far more hazardous substance. Ignoring statistics, facts, does not make these lap dog cops presentations any more believable. To those with a brain undamaged by legal substances, anyway. The evidence, history, proves that prohibiting greatly increases the misery. If the lap dog brought statistics he would look even more stupid. He gets paid to present propaganda, not care about people. If he cared about people he wouldn't betray them. Have some soda. Those with intelligence who are not lap dog sociopaths, join this group, NOT the "takers." Cops and guards and big alcohol tobacco and pharma, they are AGAINST .

When Greening is replaced next election by a member of L.E. A.P., first on agenda, will be the resignation of Bauknecht . Next,appologies to the victims of corrupt war on drugs. Disgrace to law enforcement.

Ya think if these morons spent some time on true police work, we might have a better community? Solve missing girl case? No ,they are posing for calenders, prancing preening proud in front of audiences spewing corrupt propaganda, and feeling powerful like the whores on TV police shows. What an insult to intelligence and justice. To call them b_ _ _ _ _ _s would not be fair to dogs. Too much TV.Communities are going bankrupt around country from suits against these sociopaths. Low IQ narcissists are chosen for LE because all energies are focused on the criminal organization called WAR ON DRUGS.

While you are getting rid of them don't forget to get rid of Duley, he loves to make sh-t up and ruin lives. While getting a pat on the back for a job well done. If they only knew the real truth they would fire his a__

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