Antigo man gets prison sentence for repeated drunk driving

An Antigo man has been sentenced to three and a half years initial confinement with three and a half years extended supervision for his fourth and fifth offenses of operating while intoxicated.

Gary A. Piskula, 64, of Tenth Avenue, was ordered to serve one and a half years of initial confinement with one and a half years of extended supervision for his fourth offense of operating while intoxicated within five years. He will receive credit for 261 days of time served.

For his fifth offense, he was sentenced to an additional two years confinement with two years of extended supervision, consecutive to the other sentence. He must also pay a fine of $2,452 and undergo alcohol or drug assessment with follow thorugh. His drivers license is revoked for 36 months. He must install an ignition interlock device on his vehicle for one year.

Gary Piskula mugshot


I have no opinion on the sentence given in this case but I do have a question. Why do sentences given in Langlade county vary so greatly? A case late last year involving a OWI 5th or 6th, Bail jumping and possession of THC received a sentence of 1 year in jail. That included a charge of sexual assault that was pled down. What am I missing? Is it because of a different Judge?

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