Submitted by AntigoBuzz on

An Antigo man, who was charged in June 2013 with three counts of false imprisonment had a jury trial in Langlade County court today.
Victor A. Havenga of Forest Avenue, 58, was charged after he was touching and hugging children and would not allow them to leave. The kids were fishing at Mueller's Lake in Polar. One of the kids had called their mother, stating that they were afraid Havenga was going to kidnap them.
The jury found Mr. Havenga guilty of 3 of the 4 false imprisonment charges and the disorderly conduct charge. He is a repeat offender.
A pre-sentence report was ordered.
His sentencing is set for April 2.
Related (older) content: Antigo Sex offender gets $10,000 cash bond set
Victor Havenga
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