Antigo Sex offender gets $10,000 cash bond set

Due to an incident at Mueller's Lake in Polar, where an Antigo man was hugging and touching children, the Judge is requiring a $10,000 cash bail for the man to get out of jail. Victor A. Havenga, age 57, is charged with four criminal counts. Three counts of false imprisonment, and disorderly conduct. The false imprisonment charges are felonies, whereas the disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor. Havenga was convicted in 1995 for first degree sexual assault of a child. In 2010 he had a sex registry violation. Details of the incident in Polar indicatet that Havenga was hugging and touching children, who were there fishing, and when they would attempt to leave he would step in the way to block or stall them. One of the kids called his mother and said that he feared being kidnapped. Once one of the parents came to the location, Havenga left. Police later arrested him at a local business.
Related content: Antigo man found guilty in Muellers Lake incident Victor Havenga


is it true that that there was another man arrested sunday for this along with victor and if so why don't we hear about it in the paper

Antigo is such a hole, I swear its a mecha for deviants, hard a**es and douch bags.

My Heart goes out to the Family...I know The Children involved in this case. Good Hearted Wonderful Children. I will be following this case...I hope and Pray that this Animal is taken off the streets. Far too many Child molesters get away with it and more Victims arise.

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