Submitted by AntigoBuzz on

According to news reports, an Antigo man could be charged by prosecutors with homicide after a woman fell out of his truck.
R. Brandon Bender, age 27, of North Avenue in Antigo was charged with Causing injury while Operating under Controlled Substance (2+) on 04/08/2013 in Marathon County, but since the woman has now died, those charges may change.
The passenger, Catherine F. Borchardt died from injuries in the crash, which was in the Elderon area. The crash took place around 3:00am Sunday morning and the woman died on Tuesday.
The news report indicate that Bender was driving after the two of them had visited several bars in the Wausau area, when taking a hard left, the woman fell out of the pickup truck. Bender took the woman to her home and then called for help when he realized that she was not breathing.
Law enforcement determined that the incident happened near the intersection of Highways 49 and 153.
Bender was tested for alcohol and tests showed his blood alcohol content to be 0.06 percent, which is below the legal limit. Bender told the police that he had smoked pot earlier in the night. There was alcohol found in the vehicle he was driving.
When an injury or death occurs in a situation like this, a person may be charged criminally even if their blood alcohol content is below the legal limit, which is 0.08 percent.
Bender has a preliminary hearing scheduled for April 22. He is currently jailed in Marathon County with a $25,000 cash bond.
Wausau Daily Herald story -Woman dead from Elderon crash injuries; boyfriend charged
lalala replied on
Why did he lie to the police in the first place?? He showed piss poor judgement with this poor mother/daughter/sister/friend etc... I feel horrible for her poor children... so young to be left with no mommy...
Mother_of_2 replied on
What did He lie about? Im unfamiliar with this case...
Anonymous replied on
lalala replied on
Now it comes out, he lied even more... saying he took the corner to sharp and she may not have shut her door it comes out, this vehicle was at a dead stop before she feel out the door.. did he abuse her and end up hitting her to many times or to hard and kill her???
Bad -ss replied on
He's a fricken lame -ss I know him ne he prolly pushed her out!!!! I thought they got along good and Katie was cool.
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