Submitted by Anonymous on
It seems like things have been quieter lately on the bath salts busts, but, I still don't understand why nothing seems to happen in Aniwa?
Maybe it's because certain areas are not Langlade County, but, when there is a known bath salts dealer who lives there and actually has a probation warrant out, why is nothing done?
People are always complaining that the police aren't doing enough to help the "epidemic" around here, and the cops will probably tell you that they can only do so much, and I get that. They can't go around barging into peoples' houses or pulling them over for no reason, etc., but, I don't see how letting a woman who is known to deal the crap and does have a warrant out is just left alone?
It's ridiculous and I know I have seen Aniwa mentioned before when it comes to bath salts. So, c'mon popo, do something! I'm sure even if she is in a different county, she can be picked up.
The warrant was put out in June of 2012, so they have certainly had enough time to do something! (that is according to the warrant list from Antigo PD).
who ever replied on
way to go who posted this how true now will they do anything about it
Anonymous replied on
Why don't the cops update that warrant list more often? The same one has been up for months now
Anonymous replied on
maybe they arent doing nothin about the woman cuz she is helping them
No one cares replied on
Just like nothing happens to Tara baily she has salts all the time runs from the cops dought with needles and nothing ever happends to her what's the deal?
I care replied on
She is a Snitch, I know a few people she has had set up. so she, like all C.I.'s, is above the law...
anonymous replied on
Much like city councilman Balcerzaks son Shawn. Who physically assaulted a man 2 on 1. Breaking bones. Who when being charged with Felony substantial battery with intent to cause great bodily harm was allowed to snitch on cannabis growers so that he could get the felony expunged after a year so his unstable a$$ can still keep guns. A person who physically attacks others without provocation is someone who shouldn't have been allowed any deals.
Stina replied on
Another Antigo Bath Salter. Here is a link to "Antigo Woman Facing Charge after Mail contained 'Bath Salt' Ingredient" on WSAW:
Fools replied on
Hazardous substance?
Anonymous replied on
hmm, sounds like something was done now - assuming it was the woman being talked about here.
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