Rhode takes post as circuit court judge

Attorney John Rhode drew a plurality of the votes Tuesday to become Langlade County Circuit Court Judge.

The attorney for Sommer, Olk and Payant in Antigo, followed in the steps of a previous member of the firm’s staff, James Jansen, who became one of Langlade County’s very popular jurists.

District Attorney Ralph Uttke, who has held that post for 24 years, and Rhode were in a quiet and respectful but somewhat aggressive race for the position.

Full story: Antigo Daily Journal


Maybe someone could explain something to me. In the above article it states "Attorney John Rhode drew a plurality of the votes Tuesday" The definition of plurality as it relates to elections is as follows: Plurality - the number of votes cast for a candidate who receives more than any other but does not receive an absolute majority. Maybe I'm failing to see the obvious. However if only 2 persons were running for the position. How could the winner not have garnered an absolute majority? An absolute majority is 51% So what the hell gives? Or is Fred just digging into his plethora of misused words again? The votes from the election totalled 5,201 of which Mr. Rhode received 3,966 or 76.25% of the vote. The 3 write in votes must have thrown him for a loop. ;)

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