Alleged Antigo 'kingpin' denies guilt to drug charges

An Antigo woman identified by a prosecutor as the “kingpin” of an illegal drug sale operation shut down by law officers earlier this year has entered pleas of not guilty to a rash of charges filed in Langlade County Circuit Court.

Lindsay L. Hodges, 30, of 537 S. Hudson St. was scheduled to have a preliminary hearing Thursday before Judge Fred Kawalski. She waived that hearing and subsequently denied the charges. A new court date to discuss the next step in the case was not immediately set.

Full story: Antigo Daily Journal


At the time of Hodge’s arrest, District Attorney Ralph Uttke called Hodges the “kingpin” of the operation, calling her home “the number one drug house in the county.

** Uttke absolutely needs a " psychiatric exam " This guy is actually not fit to hold his job. I have seen and heard the issues in court he gets involved in and what comes out of his mouth. But this is just something that would come from someone that has no common sense and has no idea what the hell is going on. He is definitely crazy and should have an exam no doubt. Lord

have thought the same thing for years....could not stand the guy from the day he took office here...

I did a study of 60 cases of the most recent drug cases in Antigo.. About 46 of the 60 were thrown out, and dismissed. Antigo Paper, or any of the other news sources seldom report when a case is thrown out, dismissed. The person's name is mud. On paper it looks like the Antigo Police are busting people left and right, but a very low percentage actually get convicted. Police use entrapment, and other unethical means to try and get a conviction, but seldom do they have anything beyond circumstantial evidence. They try to scare people in a plea bargain. Fred Berner, or Results Broadcasting should ask Greening this tough question.. "Why are so many of your drug arrests thrown out?" Nobody has the guts to ask him that tough question..

If anyone would just sit for a month in the courtroom and follow the cases to the end, you would see the unethically/favoritism treatment of many of the accused. And this all start right with Uttke. Plus is you watched Uttke for a period of time, people would get a great show especially when Uttke has his "Temper Tantrums" when he does not get his way and the disgust on the Judges face during this time. And Just a month ago it was interesting to see Uttke actually get up and SHAKE a prisoners hand and tell him that he"Uttke" would help him.. Then I seen the next guy basically get branded and hung out to dry by Uttke. Something is not right with these daily courthouse games. And Uttke seems like a very loose cannon ready to go off "seriously" A lot of people he sends away are very much so getting a bad hand by uttke which anyone can see is very unethical. And a few others including Greening I believe are doing some evil things to people that do not deserve it

OMG,, The Gun that they talk about seizing "AR-15" was legally bought, all paperwork done and back ground check done and was purchased from Mills Fleet farm. We sure have some idiots in the courthouse and police station. Get a life and quit talking out of your butts up there at the courthouse

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