Antigo's "Hot Cop" receives prison sentence

According to court records, Michael Brayton was sentenced today for his inappropriate actions with minor females.

The court sentenced him to 3 years initial confinement with 7 years of extended supervision for second degree sexual assault of a child.

In a plea agreement 21 counts were dismissed.

When the charges were filed against him, he resigned from the Langlade County Sheriff's Department.

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I really thought he would get more time than that!

Yeah but it's gonna be a long 3 years in protective custody. They aren't going to put a former Deputy in general population. Not for long anyhow. He'll sit in solitary until he gets into his tree jumper program.

What he did was bad. Doctors are finding out that child molesters have a clinical mental disorder. They know what they are doing is bad but still feel they have to do it. And are embarrassed. AI personally know him and I like him as a person. But dislike what he did.

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