Local Control vs State of Wisconsin

October 29, 2013 Letter to the Editor Antigo Daily Journal 612 Superior Street Antigo, WI 54409 Letter to Editor: Well, our State Senator Tiffany has earned the award as Flip Flopper of the Year! From an October 27 Editorial Page piece in the Wausau Herald he is now in favor of ‘an agreement with counties and local governments could help solve the problem of mismanagement of our national forests.’ But just several weeks ago he came up with a bill to ‘limit local control of frac sand mining.’ In his bill he thinks big state government in Madison knows better than our city and townships. The October 20, 2013 Wausau Herald stated, ‘the proposed bill restricts local government’s authority over roads and traffic … as well as their ability to regulate air or water quality related to nonmetallic mines.’ He is waiting until next year because of issues from local governments that his idea was not that bright. Prior to this about two months ago he was going to restrict the citizens of Wisconsin from some 4000 acreas around the proposed Gogebic mining area. This lost of land would not have allowed the hunters and hikers (anyone who wants to experience our outdoors) from utilizing this tax payer land. He only pulled back his proposed bill when he realized he did not have enough votes from his fellow philosophical travelers. Earlier this year he was a sponsor of opening up (expanding) the use of cross bows in our hunting season; even though at every single Wisconsin Conservation Alliance Spring Hearings on hunting and fishing this idea was voted down. Since the big cross bow industry wanted this change, he went with them and against the sportpersons in our state. Where just did he get his education except maybe simply being the mouth piece of corporate America. Somehow from proclaiming to be the party ‘of, for and by the people,’ he has lost his way. A flip flopper who wants to continue to be a career politician at our expense? We need to get upset and hold him accountable. Thank you,

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