Marijuana found, three face charges

Three people are facing drug charges today following a visit by Antigo police to a Sixth Avenue apartment Monday night. Officers were tipped off to possible suspicious activity and according to reports, it involved the use of marijuana. Two people, a 21-year-old man and a 32-year-old woman were arrested for possessing both marijuana and drug paraphernalia. A 23-year-old female was cited for possessing drug paraphernalia. Full Story: Antigo Daily Journal


I like how my first comment wasn't put up on here. Again, no one was arrested. Get your story straight

Your comment did not get published due to the language you used. We are not the Antigo Journal, so your issue is with them, as they are the ones who printed this article. Please refrain from using bad language. Thank you.

To admin, what do you do if you printed an article that was not true, do you correct it, are you open to a libel suit? Is it just your opinion also like it is ours

We are not a member of any press association, including the associated press. Please refer to the disclaimer at the bottom of each page regarding opinion vs. fact

I would not think Antigo Buzz is open to a libel suit! They simply report what is reported and who says the info is incorrect you? Even if this is the case and you are right a terrible miscarriage of justice has happened it appears to me they are simply saying what is already out there.

Oh yea good luck babes

Good luck babes

No names are even given, so who cares!

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