Is the public naked man funny now?

I can recall seeing a bit of news awhile back about a man who was naked on the Antigo walking trail and when it was being reported, the Sheriff seemed to be chuckling about it some.

That same man is now in trouble for exposing himself and masturbating in a public restroom in front of a nine year old child. It is very disturbing and has to make a person wonder, was the other incident really funny, I mean, it almost seems like incidents like that should be taken more seriously and maybe if they were the latest incident may have been avoided.

Jacob Ball is the man who has been arrested in the case and the following article is in reference to the incident:

He has been charged with:
Cause a Child under 13 to View/Listen to Sexual Act
Exposing genitals to a child
Child Enticement-Expose Sex Organ
False Imprisonment
Lewd, Lascivious Behavior in Public
Disorderly Conduct.

There are other cases which are similar in nature in the past and some that have been dismissed.

This guy needs to remain locked up, enough is enough!


Well the current Sherrif is a chucklehead. Why do people expect competent decisions to be made by incompetent persons? This is the same guy who was going on about a breakthrough in the Nameth case. Since tooting his horn nadda! Maybe that suspect stowed away on that Iceberg he was telling CNN about? My advice to any parent:
If some sicko exposes or touches your kid and you come across it happening. Shoot them. No jury in the world except maybe in California would find you guilty.

The "judicial" system in antigo is a damn JOKE! Look at all the BS that happens in this town! All the DRUGS and CHILD MOLESTERS. And many of these USELESS POS just get a slap on the hand or set back on the streets.---Does Anyone know if a Case can be requested to take place in another County? If I was the Parent in these situations...Id have it done ELSE WHERE if possible.---ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Your so RIGHT!

The yuppies and tree huggers will call him "sick" and in "need of help". back in the good ole days, he would have been dragged to main street and hung. bring back street justice. if i had caught this guy with my kid or ANY kid, i would have beat him to death on the spot and after he stopped breathing, i would have beat him some more to make sure its a closed casket. this town needs a "herd thinning" !

I couldn't AGREE MORE with You on this! Have You noticed all of the Child Molestation Cases in this County? WTF?! What a Bunch of F'd up Hicks! ...The herd needs to be "thinned out"...BIG TIME! There is NO WAY to rehabilitize these Disgusting wastes of oxygen! Im SICK to death about hearing these PIGS are let back onto the find MORE VICTIMS! ...I wonder why Lie Detectors cant be used...They say You Cant trick a lie detector.

I remember there was a guy who used to go to shoe stores, tickle women's feet and run out.. Kind of a funny story at the time, but not really.

I was told that this same guy was made to keep his hands on top of his desk in school, because he was always playing with himself. This guy is not right and seriously needs help. I am not so sure outside of a cell is the place he will get any help.

Hey people remember this when its time to elect a new DA. You have to remember its the courts who sentence these people.There more interested in drunk drivers.You don't see child molesters being fined $1500. Next time RALPH is up for election vote against him?

That all of Langlade county is laughing at our judicial system. They are the joke and we as voters can change that!!!!!

I totally agree that as voters we can change it but first there has to be qualified people running against what we have. Seems we are doomed.

And family and friends wonder why I moved my family of 4 children (all under 7) across the state!! "Don't live by Madison" they said. "Your kids won't be safe" they said. They were wrong! No child that resides in Langlade County is safe!

This is silly. A political tool.

They need to smack this little pervert right up side of the head and take a hammer to his "tallywhacker". Let him piss out of stump and see if that trips his fetishes.

You can just look at this fleabag and see he would probably like some "hard time". What a loser!

if you check the last voter numbers by precinct, you will see Langlade County voters did elect a new DA. But due to vote fraud in one precinct,the will of the people was over ruled.

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