Country 106 Presents Farm Woman Of The Year Award At Wednesday Luncheon

On Wednesday afternoon, Country 106 presented Elaine Bergman, a farmer in Summit, as the 2015 Farm Woman Of The Year. Elaine runs the day to day operations of the farm and raises sheep, chickens, horses, and they've had other livestock in the past. The Bergman farm has been in operation for over 100 years.

Bergman said she was initially skeptical when she received the call because it was on April Fools Day, but said she was honored that her neighbor, Connie Brayton would nominate her.

Bergman said she was pleased it has remained a family farm with her daughters heavily involved with 4H and FFA when they were younger and helping run the farm while Elaine's husband was working for the DNR, and now her grandchildren who help out as well.

Read more: WACD

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