Wausau Teenager Shoots Out Truck Window; Throws Weapon In Lake

On Monday, shortly before noon, police responded to a three car accident at the intersection of 5th Avenue and Superior Street. There were minor injuries in the crash, and none of the three cars had passengers. A 24 year old man was cited for inattentive driving. All cars were drivable and no one was towed.

At 2:10 PM, a woman called the Langlade County Sheriff's Office to report her friend's truck had been shot at by a BB gun and a window was shattered as a result. Deputies came and a 16 year old Wausau boy admitted to the crime. Deputies say the boy tossed the weapon in Jack Lake before they arrived. He has two weeks to pay for the damage, or be cited for criminal damage to property.

Just before 7AM on Tuesday morning, a man on Lake Street in Langlade County called deputies saying that a car was traveling much to fast for the road and crashed. The driver, a young man, fled from the scene.

Read more: WACD

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