Wausau Holds Community Meeting Amid Teen Stabbing Death

About 70 people attended a forum in Wausau last night on keeping kids safe in the wake of a gang-related stabbing death three weeks ago. Police and school officials spelled out what they do to protect young people -- but they said parents must do their part, as well. Police said the incident began when rival gang members argued with each other on Facebook -- and a 19-year-old woman then drove seven boys to a fight where a 15-year-old boy was waiting with a knife. Thirteen-year-old Isaiah Powell was killed. At last night's community forum, parents were told to get involved with their children's lives by knowing what they do -- who they associate with -- and what they post online. Officials said parents do their kids no favors by giving their children too much privacy and independence at such a young age.

Read more: WACD

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