Two Antigo men connected to recent bank robbery

According to news reports, two men from the Antigo area have been arrested in connection with a bank robbery in Weston on January 13.

Kevin Calhoun, age 29 and Andrew Gibney, age 21, were arrested on January 17. Calhoun gave a note to the bank teller, which demanded money and Gibney was the driver of the getaway vehicle.

Andrew Gibney mugshot

Kevin Calhoun mugshot

Photo from bank security camera:

Weston Bank Robbery Photo

Here is some background information on the break of the case from Country106 website:

On Saturday morning the Langlade County Sheriffs Office received a call from a man who worked at a Wittenberg gas station, saying that a younger man seemed intoxicated and drove off. After getting information on the vehicle, authorities determined that the driver could be involved with the bank robbery in Weston last week. A civilian followed the car to a nearby residence and started talking with the two occupants until Langlade County authorities arrived. The man reported that both seemed nervous. Based on information obtained during the stop, the Everest Metro Police Department arrested Kevin Calhoun, the man they believe was responsible for the robbery. One person in the car was released, and the driver was taken into custody on a probation hold. During an interview with investigators, the 21 year old, Andrew Gibney, admitted being the getaway driver for in the robbery.

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