Traffic stop brings arrest for warrant

The Antigo paper reported that an Antigo man was arrested after a traffic stop on Wednesday. The man was wanted for a warrant (for a traffic violation) and was taken into custody. When the arrest was made, the officer found a syringe that was used and when asked, the man admitted that he had used it for shooting up bath salts. In other matters, a 17 year old female was ticketed for theft from Mills Fleet Farm. A 15 year old boy received a charge of disorderly conduct for an outburst on a school bus where threats were made. There was a 2 car accident on Watson Street and Tenth Avenue. A parked auto was badly damaged in the incident. A parked car was hit from behind by a truck driven by Nicholas Darling, age 17. The auto is registered to Jack Spencer of Deerbrook. There no injuries.

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