Spring prom season starts here Saturday with 'Casino Night'

Antigo High School will kick off the spring promenade season with “Casino Night” on Saturday.

Candidates for prom king, queen and court are shown in the photo above. From left are (kneeling) Nicole Payant and Nadia Voytovich; (first row) Megan Nedden, McKenzy Powell, Jillian Incha, Lexie Schroeder, Brittney Bastle; (middle row) Arin Ver Hagen, Max Nowinsky, Nick Greening, JJ Kasin Liu, Brian Cuevas Ruiz, Marisa Young; (back row) Sam Brettingen, Zach Falk, Hayden Groot, Jake Husnick and Alex Nagel. Missing is Kira Simonis.

The dance will be held in the Sheldon Fieldhouse. Doors will open at 7 p.m. with the grand march beginning at 8 p.m.

Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

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