School Board Approves Budget; Honors Business Services Director

On Tuesday evening the Antigo School board met for their monthly meeting and approved the 2014-15 budget, and heard from business services director Mary Jo Filbrandt for the final time before she retires at the end of the month. The final budget is expected to decrease local property taxes by just under 3%. According to Filbrandt, a big chunk of money was transferred from the operational side to the instructional side, and teachers were able to purchase classroom materials with those funds. She also made the board aware that roughly $245,000 of expenditures over what was in the adopted budget in October brings the district within less than 0.8% of the budgeted funds.

Filbrandt was honored at the end of the evening with a "roast" from Buildings and Grounds director Tim Prunty, detailing numbers of her 29 year career.

Read more: WACD

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