Reserve judges take bench to oversee criminal matters

Reserve Judges Fred Kawalski and Mark Mangerson both took the local bench this week, accepting pleas and issuing rulings in a variety of criminal-related offenses.

Leanna M. Grace, 18, of 1033 Fifth Ave. was placed on probation for two years and sentenced to serve 30 days in jail on counts of burglary and possession of drug paraphernalia.

She originally pleaded no contest to the crimes in January but judgment was deferred. The order included a stipulation that the counts could be dismissed should she successfully abide by court rules. The order was later revoked and Grace was returned to court. In addition to jail, which has already been completed, Grace is being held responsible for the $500 owed in restitution for a theft at a Hollister area cabin in June of 2014.

Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

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