Pickerel Fire Department adds thermal imaging camera to resources

Firefighting in the Pickerel area is going high-tech.

The department received a $2,000 grant through Wisconsin Public Service Foundation which, combined with money from fund-raisers, was used to purchase a Thermal Imaging Camera. This camera can be used to look for people in structure fires, look for hidden areas of flames, and aid in the search for missing campers, hunters, childern, and boaters.

Through its continued working relationship with the Department of Natural Resources, the department was also able to expand and upgrade its fleet with the acquisition of two surplus brush trucks. Both trucks are identical and replace a single older brush truck which was based out of the department's town of Nashville fire station. This acquisition gives the department a pair of identical trucks with one each in its town of Nashville fire station and its town of Ainsworth fire station, greatly increasing the ease of training and decreasing response time to certain incidents in the western portion of its jurisdiction.

Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

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