OWI, Hit and Run, Bail Jumping over the weekend

Among those having run ins with law enforcement over the weekend was an Antigo woman who was driving while intoxicated. She was stopped based on a tip that she left a tavern and was driving drunk. A hit and run was reported Saturday on Enterprise Lake Road in Elcho. The auto left the road but was not immediately found, since the car had been moved to a garage after the incident. A ticket for failing to notify of police of an accident will be filed. A man from Colgate found himself in custody after a fight with a woman at a Center Street apartment on Saturday. He will be facing a bail jumping charge for drinking while ordered not to due to an open court case. An Aniwa man was was arrested on Sunday after a noise complaint prompted police to the residence. The man was tested for alcohol, which was a violation for him. He was received a bail jumping charge, along with being cited for possession of drug paraphernalia after police found a pot pipe on him. Some questioning took place with a limo driver who purchased alcohol and was transporting teens to the prom. After some investigating, it was found that the alcohol was for his personal use and was taken to his home and not given to the teens. Law enforcement tested he and the teens and none were found to be drinking. Some mailboxes along Mapleview Road were damaged. It was determined that the vehicle that caused the damage was a Ford truck, which is now lacking a right headlight and foglight.

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