Submitted by AntigoBuzz on

An Antigo woman has entered a plea agreement where she pleaded no contest to 7 charges in multiple criminal cases.
Lisa L. Rockstroh of County Road F, 44, has entered a plea agreement for multiple cases in Langlade County court.
No contest pleas to the following:
1 count of misappropriate ID info to obtain money
1 count of forgery
1 count of 5th offense of OWI
2 counts of manufacture or deliver heroin
2 counts of felony bail jumping
Charges that were dismissed:
10 counts of felony bail jumping
2 counts of misappropriate ID info to obtain money
8 counts of forgery
1 count of operating with prohibited alcohol concentration, 5th offense
2 counts of manufacture or deliver heroin
1 count of maintain drug trafficking place
1 count of theft
1 count of criminal damage to property
1 count of manufacture or deliver schedule I,II narcotics
1 count of possess with intent to deliver counterfeit narcotics
1 count of misdemeanor bail jumping
1 count of failing to yield right of way from stop sign
1 count of operating without valid license & cause property damage
She has currently served 349 days in jail. A presentence investigation has been ordered. She is scheduled for a sentencing hearing on May 22.
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