(Note: A bid to raise funds for the Antigo Police Department’s K-9 unit will include a visit to Culver’s on Thursday by Forest County police dog Buster and his handler, Deputy Bill Hujet. The Crandon-based team will be on hand between 3 to 7 p.m. for the fund-raising event which will feature police officers serving meals between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Forest County is having its own K-9 fund-raising event in a golf outing later this month.)
Proceeds raised at a golf outing later this month will go to the dogs — or at least one of them.
The program which provides training and care for Buster, the law enforcement pooch who serves with the Forest County Sheriff’s Department, is the focus of the agency’s third annual K-9 fund-raiser at the Nicolet Golf Course on Highway 8 near Laona on July 26.
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