Measure Introduced By Tiffany; Rep. Kulp Could Increase Property Taxes By 80 Dollars

The average Wisconsin homeowner could pay up to 80-dollars more each year in property taxes, under a G-O-P plan to end taxes on certain business equipment. Hazelhurst Senator Tom Tiffany and Stratford Representative Bob Kulp have asked their colleagues to sign onto their measure. The non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau said it would give businesses a statewide tax break of 270-million dollars a year -- which homeowners would have to pick up unless government services are cut. The Fiscal Bureau also said it would put the percentage of local property taxes paid by homeowners to above 70-percent. It's now just over 68-percent. Supporters say the increase would not be that drastic -- under the assumption that fewer taxes would result in more business growth, and therefore more business tax revenues to off-set the homeowners' burden. Kulp tells the Wisconsin State Journal the equipment tax is an extra cost on businesses, in part because an extra set of books is needed to keep track of taxable property.

Read more: WACD

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