Local charges filed against theft suspects, had drugs

A trio suspected in a spree of retail thefts has been formally charged in Langlade County in connection with last week’s arrest on a series of allegations, including those of the illegal drug variety.

Liza Carlson, 31, of Wausau, Renee B. Bennish, 37, of Merrill and Luke W. Aitkin, 35, of Irma were all arrested outside the Antigo Walmart store on Jan. 23. Officials said they appeared to have stolen merchandise from the location as well as the nearby Dunham’s sporting goods store. Items seized from their car suggested they may have targeted other businesses as well including those out of the county.

More was confiscated as well including several hypodermic needles, some of which may have contained illegal narcotics such as heroin or methamphetamine. Items have been sent to the state crime lab for further testing.

Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

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