Langlade County criminal court activity 06.04.2015

Langlade County criminal court activity 06.04.2015.

Jamale A. Bonds, 41, of Clermont Street is charged with disorderly conduct. His next court date is June 29.

Jacob J. Cornelius, 17, of Pickerel is charged with disorderly conduct. An initial appearance is set for June 29.

Matthew C. Fell, 24, of Pearl Avenue is charged with criminal damage to property, which occurred on May 3. An initial appearance is scheduled for June 29.

Wesley A. Jansen, 31, of Gallenberg Lane is charged with disorderly conduct domestic abuse. The incident happened on June 1.

Drew D. Thebo, 18, of Clintonville is charged with possession of an illegally obtained prescription, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. The offenses occurred on May 23. An initial appearance is scheduled for June 8.

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