Langlade County criminal court activity 02.02.2015

Langlade County criminal court activity 02.02.2015.

Thomas J. Brand of Clermont Street, 26, received a $2,500 signature bond for a charge of second degree sexual assault of a child. Conditions of bond include no contact with the victim and no unsupervised contact with minor females. He is scheduled to return to court on March 2.

Brett T. Grathen of DePere, 18, received a bond reduction from $1,200 cash to $1,500 signature for charges of possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance. His next court date is set for March 2.

New charges filed today:

Joshua J. Paff of Fremont, 24, is charged with felony bail jumping and misdemeanor bail jumping, both as a repeater. The incidents occurred on January 26. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Jerome E. Jones of Dorr Street, 33, is charged with disorderly conduct domestic abuse, which happened on January 27. A $150 cash bond was paid. He is scheduled to return to court on March 2.

John S. Jensen Jr. of Elcho, 28, is charged with disorderly conduct domestic abuse. The incident occurred on January 19. An initial appearance is set for February 23.

Joel M. Landa of Mattoon, 27, is charged with operating without a valid license second offense within three years. The offense occurred on January 21. A $200 bond was paid. An initial appearance is scheduled for February 17.

Patricia A. Nunway of Argonne, 21, is charged with operating while revoked, which happened on January 19. A $250 bond was paid. Her initial appearance is set for February 17.

Brian M. James of Graham Avenue, 25, is charged with operating while revoked. The incident occurred on December 23. His next court appearance is scheduled for February 3.

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