Langlade County criminal activity 01.16.2015

Langlade County criminal activity 01.16.2015.

New charges filed today:

Craig A. Schnaare of Elcho, 59, is charged with operating while intoxicated fifth or sixth offense, failing to install or tampering with ignition interlock device, operating while revoked and vehicle operator flee/elude officer. An initial appearance is set for January 20.

Chadwick L. Wogsland of Sixth Avenue, 39, is charged with vehicle operator flee/elude officer and disorderly conduct domestic abuse. The incidents happened on December 20.

Thomas J. Brand of Clermont Street, 26, is charged with second degree sexual assault of child as a repeater, which occurred in May of 2013. An initial appearance is scheduled for February 2.

Brett T. Grathen of Depere, 18, is charged with possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of controlled substance. The incidents happened on January 10. A $1,200 bond was paid. His initial appearance is scheduled for February 2.

Melissa L. Madden of Fifth Avenue, 23, is charged with operating without a valid license second offense within three years, which occurred on January 10. A $200 bond was paid. An initial appearance is set for February 17.

Ted a. Webb of Norwood Drive, 41, is charged with operating while intoxicated third offense, which happened on January 13. A $850 bond was paid. His initial appearance is scheduled for February 17.

Scott A. Ryan Jr. of First Avenue, 29, is charged with operating while revoked and failing to install or tampering with an ignition interlock device. A $400 bond was paid. An initial appearance is set for February 17.

Jessica Amanda Mckay of Antigo, 25, is charged with failing to install or tampering with ignition interlock device and operating while revoked. The incidents took place on December 26. Her initial appearance is scheduled for February 3.

New charges filed yesterday:

Ronald L. Musselman of Eagle River, 49, is charged with injury by intoxicated use of vehicle and injury by use of vehicle with prohibited alcohol concentration. The incident occurred on October 22. An initial appearance is scheduled for January 20.

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