Jacob Ball charged AGAIN with lewd behavior

Charges have been filed against Jacob L. Ball of Deleglise Street in Antigo for lewd behavior in public as a repeater. The incident occurred on 10/23/2013 in jail, he is accused of performing sex acts in front of female corrections officers. This is not the first time Mr. Ball has been charged, currently he is on bond for another case that is still open in Langlade County. That case has multiple charges including exposing genitals to a child, causing a child under age 13 to view or listen to a sex act, false imprisonment, and more. In August of 2012 he was convicted of lewd, lascivious behavior-exposure and he served 8 months in jail. In July of 2004 he was convicted of Causing a child under age 13 to view or listen to a sex act and lewd, lascivious behavior-exposure. He was sentenced to 6 months in jail and 5 years of probation, but, he was not able to complete probation and was sent to state prison for 4 1/2 years with 3 years of probation. Again, he was not able to complete probation and in 2009 he was sent back to state prison for 2 1/2 years. (updated)
Related news story: Sentencing set for Antigo man who exposed self to girl


This is a rare case because most know that the majority of this happens with step -dads, uncles, brothers ,cousins , friends dad or brother, etc... Countless times daily,but, not a stranger. That is the rarity of this case so it will be a huge chance for elected officials to secure the vote of the ignorant serfs. Off with his head!Scape goat gang mentality.

@ Public Stoning: I think you nailed it. I would bet a large percentage of people out there have '' accidentally ''shown their penis to the young people in their lives and it is worse than this sad harmless man. The kids get repeatedly used by the ones they are supposed to trust. Worst part of this standard practice of so many? The child is psychologically damaged by the fact that the adult denies their gratification.They grow up and do same. You can bet when cases rare like Balls get all the press, that they will profess their feelings because sexual gratification like this is their MO with their kids.Does it take a big city lawyer with genius level IQ , who has witnessed this phenomenon, to "teach" you this? Ball has touched no child. You would be surprised how many parents uncles brothers neighbors who do regularly practice these '' not actionable" sex offenses, do get insane, when a stranger, not covertly, as they do, makes them jealous. You can even find community theater members who like to dress with getting the eye of kids to roll'' down there" , a goal they think others can't discern. Actionable, like Ball's case? NO, but Ball is up front obvious harmless. Community theatre dominators? Look there, cops, priests teachers. Look there. Ball, a scape goat.He does not have a life that gives him constant needed contact with children addiction.

any chomo's and chomo backers you all deserve HELL....and i'd gladly help u along your way

probably true but I doubt there are any backers, just those realizing the truth and that is most are not chomo's just you people wanting them to be so you can threaten their lives. made up statements and doctored complaints and media that wants more bad news than good has the public thinking every time an incident of any sort occurs they are automatically chomo;s and should die. social media is retarded

what is a chomo?

prison slang for child molester

that's what google says anyway

It's too bad this guy has turned out to be such a pervert..when I read about him jumping out of the bushes naked to the surprise of some elderly couple on the walking trail I thought to myself what a hell of a prank and had a good laugh, especially because he didnt "do" anything..he just like popped out and did a monkey dance with his pecker out and ran off

It amazes Me how the Druggies always seem to find a way to WHINE that Others don't agree w/drugs...THIS Posting is about a male that MASTERBATED INFRONT OF A CHILD...WTF is WRONG with You?!?! There is a CHILD out there that IS FOREVER EFFECTED by this PERVERT! You THINK Your INTELLIGENT?! You SERIOUSLY need to pull Your head out of your A$$! And SERIOUSLY USE YOUR HEAD! ---Think BEFORE you begin again w/your IGNORANT RANTS! You have some SERIOUS MENTAL ISSUES if you think what that PERVERT did isn't as bad as Others see it. AGAIN----USE YOUR HEAD! Your making yourself look just as bad as that PERVERT...is he Your "BUDDY"?! Either way...YOUR AN IDIOT!

So the message to our kids is: It's ok for cops to show you their penis and it's ok for cops to put their penis inside of you. If a non cop shows his penis he dies! Also, cops can use drugs and steal and sell yours . Cops can break all the laws but you can't! If you drink alcohol and prescription drugs and eat the poison you are told to, this seems like a good rule. If you are smart enough to use organic sacred plants and your eyes are opened... well then, of course this is not alright. So, you are called a druggie a criminal by the ones too blind to see the truth. Pathetic brain damaged by alcohol tobacco and pharmaceuticals obedient lap dogs.

My Point is...You have to bring OTHER Topics into the posting. This ISN'T A drug related case it has to do with a man that AGAIN has involved CHILDREN in his Sick Twisted Illiness. As far as the information on the Police Officers---I haven't heard of that. (Not that it doesn't exist)This guy keeps doing things of a sexual manner---and INVOLVING OTHERS(these are called VICTIMS)...I am FAR from "ignorant"...nice try tho. Yet AGAIN, proving YOUR LACK of Intelligence. Thank You. And Further more...Im NOT a "born and bred" Antigo resident. Infact, I never was. Antigo should be listed as one of the "WORST places to live in Wisconsin"...you can have it. WAYYY too much to say about the place. NASTY comes to mind tho. Good day. Go smoke another-You make Me SICK!

@ Concerned .Are you an adult? No adult who takes responsibility for themselves would blame another anonymous writer for making them sick.

What is wrong with You People? The topic at hand-Please. There is NO CURE or REHAB that will help that guy!

The guy needs to be institutionalized...or atleast be put some place AWAY from the Public. And Especially, AWAY from CHILDREN.

Oh wow so I never knew this pervs name but he literally used to follow me and fellow female workers around starring at us he was creepy and I caught him trying to reach out while a fellow worker had bent down trying to stock shelves I immediately got my manager and we chaseded him out only to have him return and repeat again a week layer! What an absolute creep!!!!

They need to take a 5 pound hammer to this perv's tallywhacker to wipe that cheesy smirk off his face. This is one sick puppy and society would be by far better off if he was not sucking our air supply up.

He probably got a proctology and urology degree while in prison, so there's not much that can be done to rehabilitate this loser.

And for you legalize pot folks posting on this topic, I'm sure this upstanding supporter of your cause has something you can "smoke" on!


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