Couple wanted after local counterfeit, chase case caught

When Lisa Patten and Colton Hancock rolled through the Antigo McDonald’s drive-thru Saturday afternoon, little did they know that it would be a start to an end to an inter-state crime spree which raced from Iowa and Illinois and across the Wisconsin border.

Patten, 37, and Hancock, 21, were nabbed Monday afternoon near Montello and are currently housed in a Marquette County jail after a high-speed chase, at least their second with law officers in a matter of days, ended with their capture following a crash with another vehicle.

“They are in custody,” Langlade County Sheriff Bill Greening said following the pair’s arrest, citing the Crime Alert Network, a system which allows the transfer of crime-based information between law enforcement agencies as well as businesses and the general public, as key in their discovery.

Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

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