Thief Who Robbed Wausau Police Chief Sentenced To Time In Jail

A man accused of breaking into the home of Wausau's police chief and stealing his pick-up truck will spend almost three months in jail in his home area of western Michigan. Forty-year-old Jason Warner withdrew an insanity plea and struck a deal with Marathon County prosecutors. He pleaded no contest yesterday to a felony count of vehicle theft, and misdemeanors of theft and criminal damage. A burglary charge was reduced to criminal trespassing. Prosecutors said Warner broke into Police Chief Jeff Hardel's home near Wausau last August and left another vehicle in the chief's yard, before driving off with Hardel's pick-up. It was left at a truck stop, where Warner got a ride from somebody else. He was arrested while walking along Interstate-94 in western Wisconsin. His parents reported Warner missing, saying he suffers from paranoid schizo-phrenia and was not taking his medications.

Read more: WACD

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