Popular Ice Caves Back Open

The ice-caves re-opened this morning on Lake Superior west of Bayfield. Snow and high winds forced the popular attraction to close Tuesday night and yesterday. But the winds subsided to the 15-mile-an-hour range today, and officials said it made the two-mile ice walk safe once again from Meyers Beach to the majestic ice formations in the Apostle Islands' sea-caves. The walk is still very slippery, and officials of the Islands' National Lakeshore urge folks to wear ice-cleats and use ski poles to prevent slipping. According to the Lakeshore's Facebook page, the winds should stay fairly low for the next few days -- and the caves should remain open at least through this weekend. Temperatures could get into the 40's next week, causing a melting of the soft majestic ice on the cliffs -- however, warmer temperatures alone are not generally not enough to close the attraction.

Read more: WACD

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