Nation ready to spring ahead on Sunday, great time for home checks

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday as the nation “spring forwards” and sets clocks ahead one hour.

Daylight Saving Time is also a great time to check the things that keep the nation safe and ready for emergencies. ReadyWisconsin urges residents to check these items:

—Smoke Detectors: Nearly 2,700 people die and more than 15,000 are injured each year because of fires that started in their homes. Now is the time to check and replace batteries if needed and make sure the devices around your house are working properly. The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission estimates that about 16 million homes in the country have smoke alarms that do not work. In most cases, the batteries are dead or missing. This is a great time to put fresh batteries in your smoke detector. You should also replace the entire smoke alarm unit every 8 to 10 years.

Full story: Antigo Daily Journal

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