Marshfield Clinic Announces Partnerships

Marshfield Clinic has unveiled an ambitious growth plan. Yesterday, the clinic confirmed plans for a new hospital in Marshfield. Its goals are to offer quality state-of-the-art care that's more efficient and reduces overall health costs. The facility is due to open by the summer of 2018, and it would be the second hospital in a city of almost 20-thousand. Ministry Health Care has operated a hospital adjacent to Marshfield's main clinic for years -- and that firm announced a 10-million dollar renovation to that facility this week. Meanwhile, Marshfield Clinic also said it's expanding its ambulatory surgery center's skilled nursing facilities. That goal is to improve patient care and cut costs, by letting surgical patients be cared for without having to be admitted to a hospital. Also, Marshfield Clinic and Wausau's Aspirus (as-py'-rus) health system announced a non-binding letter of intent to pursue joint initiatives.

Read more: WACD

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