Antigo man went on rampage with arson & police chase

Marathon County Sheriff's Department took a 39 year old Antigo man into custody after he allegedly started a fire at his place of employment. After which, he led police on a chase ending with his vehicle going into a ditch.

Around 8:00pm on Saturday, authorities were called for a domestic disturbance call in Antigo. The man fled in a vehicle, ramming a police car, and a chase ensued. The man drove to Buschman's potato warehouse on Franzen Road, where he started a fire inside and drove his vehicle through a door from the inside out to escape.

The chase ended after the man went into a ditch on Highway 153 in Shawano County. He was then arrested and taken into custody.

The man's name hasn't been released yet.

He is expected to be charged with multiple criminal counts.

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